Rich for One Day

If I had one billion dollars to spend in cash, I would be the world’s happiest girl. What would I do with all that money? Good Question. I would want to be very logical about spending my money, and take careful procedures while doing so. To start I would hire a financial adviser. Most people would not fathom the idea of a financial adviser if they were granted all this money, as it would all be gone before they knew it. I would take this first step so I could invest sixty percent of the money and not have to work another day in my life.  After secondary school I would not have to worry about College/University or my future career path because I would be set up for life. I would not have to waste another 4 to 6 years in a classroom, studying for exams, stressing about projects or losing sleep and taking excessive amounts of caffeine. Instead I would be travelling the world at eighteen. I would use another twenty percent of my money for whatever I desired.  I would purchase a yacht to travel overseas, and a private jet to fly to the other side of the world. I could discover my own private island and spend weeks upon weeks there without anyone knowing my whereabouts. I would be able to get away from negativity of the world. If i got lonely by myself I could fly my private jet to  a luxury hotel in Turkey, or perhaps Dubai and spend $20-30,000 a night, just to sleep. One billion dollars could buy myself a $20,000 room every night for 137 years, if the money was not spent on anything else.  I may seem selfish but my next goal to strive for would be giving money to family members to prevent them from going into financial debt. I might feel considerate and donate the excess money to charities, or cancer research facilities . The remaining twenty percent of my money would go towards real estate. Who could go wrong with a mansion? I would make sure it included the world’s largest walk-in closet, with lots of purses, clothes and shoes. It would be every girl's fantasy! Of course it would include an immaculate kitchen, tons of washrooms, an indoor swimming pool and movie theater. If I had one billion dollars in cash, I would never complain about a single thing in my life, or perhaps just until the money was all spent.

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