Wednesday 6 February 2013

About me

My name is Ashley Cressman, and I am currently enrolled at GDCI in grade 11. I am sixteen years old but my birthday is in exactly one month and 26 days, I will be turning 17. I have a part-time job at Zehrs, and I work as a cashier. I work approximately 10 hours a week, but my hours increase in the summer. I have been working there for about one year. I enjoy free time to myself, hanging out with friends, and working out at the Goderich YMCA. I strive hard to accomplish goals in school and in my personal life. I like to set harder goals for myself so its more challenging, and I feel like I benefited more in the long run. I am a academic student, so goal setting is very important to me. I hope to go to university after my grade 12 year, and get into the health-science field. I hope to be a dietician in my future.
I am a happy, outgoing girl but just like everyone else, I do have my dislikes. I strongly dislike spiders, girl drama, and bad grades. I always try to work my hardest in class, to achieve good grades. I learn hands-on and from taking notes. I prefer to work individually then with a group. One of my biggest dislikes in a classroom is presenting in front of a class. I would prefer present assignments or projects in front of just a teacher or a smaller group. I also choose to pick my own peers to work with, rather then the teacher choose for me. I know who I work well with, and who I don't.
I come from a normal size family, consisting of my mom, stepdad and older sister. Our house is located in town which makes it easier to walk to school each day and stay connected socially with friends. My mom works at home as a massage therapist and is one of my biggest role models. She has helped me become the person I am today. My older sister is currently attending Kings University in London, Ont. This school year has been a lot calmer not having her around the house, and being an only child now.
I am proud of the person I have become today, and I live each day as it comes. Everyday is a new opportunity to start over and move along. I am excited to see what the future has in store for me.

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